Episode 62: End of Year and Beginning of Year Angles Anyone Can Pitch to Media


All endings are just new beginnings.

That's why the end and the beginning of a year are two sides of the same PR coin. 

In business terms, the end of Q4 signifies more than just facing the end of the year. It also means looking ahead to Q1 and the rest of next year.

But here's a disturbing observation: many small business founders feel the overwhelming pressure of simultaneously finishing the year right while thinking of pitching angles for Q1.

Because of this divided attention and effort, several founders are stuck in this cycle every year. 

They fall behind their year-end targets. Worse, they come unprepared for next year.

The new year has come, but it’s still the same you.

Sounds familiar, right?

Fortunately, this vicious cycle can stop with changes in how you approach your PR efforts at this crucial time of the year.   

The first step you can take is to lean on some inspirations for pitching and add points of credibility and relevance. From here, your pitch ideas can surely flow.

And this is not just randomly searching for ideas. Instead, you can always use these unconventional yet proven strategies during important events of the year when you pitch to journalists.

By approaching this PR game in this manner, you'll be ahead of everyone else for the first quarter and even maybe for the rest of the year.  

As to how you can pitch these end-of-year and beginning-of-year angles, I've covered it all in this episode. Whether you're a service provider or a product seller, all it takes is a deeper dive into your business and how you can serve people well. 

"I really think all of the founders in my PR community. Yes, they make products, or they have services. They might be bootstrapping, and they might be just starting off. But they're not just here to make a quick buck. They are filled with mission and purpose. As long as you remind yourself of your 'why' and keep going down that rabbit hole, I promise you will never run out of ideas to pitch."
-Gloria Chou

Get ready to take the next step to make this year the time that you really go from unknown to being seen, heard, and valued. Tune in to this episode, and discover the end-of-year and beginning-of-year angles you can pitch to the media, so you can start the new year as a new you!


Topics We Cover in This Episode: 

  • Why the end and beginning of the year are all about PR opportunities

  • Pitching angles that matter in Q4 to end the year right

  • How planting seeds early in the year helps your business grow

  • The many facets and reasons for pitching as early as Q1

  • A new perspective on serving your customers


If you want to land your first feature for free without any connections, I want to invite you to watch my PR Secrets Masterclass where I reveal the exact methods thousands of bootstrapping small businesses use to hack their own PR and go from unknown to being a credible and sought-after industry expert. Register now at www.gloriachou.com/masterclass.

Resources Mentioned:

Connect with Gloria Chou on LinkedIn: Gloria Chou

Join Gloria Chou's PR Community: Small Biz Pros: By Gloria Chou

Small Business PR Podcast: Episode # 55-Get Your Product in Gift Guides

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Watch the PR masterclass

Get the PR Starter Pack

Join the Small Biz PR Pros FB group

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Here’s a glance at this episode…

[2:24] Predictions are an incredible PR tool for any small business to use when it comes to picking an angle to pitch because no one has a crystal ball. Predictions are a great way to position yourself as an authority in your niche and get away from the very salesy marketing speak that will turn a journalist off.

[8:34] It's never too late to start pitching for Q1 in Q4. You really get to plan out your pitching angles for the rest of the year.

[9:45] Another thing about Q1 is that there are a lot of different stories around economic predictions— where is the market going to go? Consumer trends, social media trends. Also, for Q1, you have a lot of important holidays.

[11:43] Q1 is a great way to give people a step-by-step or framework of how you can become a part of the solution.

[13:18] Think about what your customers want from you. It's so much more than just the product. You're creating a moment. You're there for their happiness. You're making a connection. 

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