Have you asked yourself this lately? - Our lives are determined by the quality of questions we ask.

Processing the Transition Back to Reality

After weeks of magical European wedding festivities in Sicily, where 120 friends and family from over 35 cultures came together, I’m still processing it all. From exploring a UNESCO World Heritage city to our dream-like wedding day, the nostalgia, gratitude, and even sadness that it’s all over have hit hard. (see my post here for a peek!). 

Returning to the fast-paced reality of New York has been challenging. My spirit feels like it’s still in Italy, while my body adjusts to the noise and demands of the city.

The Struggle to Reconnect with Routine

Post-wedding blues, jet lag, and hormones made it hard to find motivation. Here’s what my reality looked like:

  • 💩 Spent an entire Sunday in bed, ordering takeout.

  • 💩 Skipped the gym and neglected my half-dying plants.

  • 💩 Missed my usual Monday newsletter cadence.

I felt stuck in a cycle of "shoulds"—what I should be doing, achieving, or checking off my list.

Asking the Powerful Question: When Was the Last Time I Let Myself Just BE?

For the first time, I asked myself this transformative question. As a first-generation immigrant daughter, I was raised with a deep sense of guilt around resting or slowing down. But now, I’m learning that giving myself permission to simply be is just as important as hustling.

Key Takeaways: Reclaiming Your Power as CEO of Your Life

This slower season of business and life reminded me of a powerful truth:

  • We create our reality.

  • We determine our schedules.

  • We have the freedom to choose.

Instead of beating myself up about my to-do list, I chose to honor the present moment. I watched wedding videos, relived beautiful memories, and decided to let go of guilt.

Breaking Free from the World of “Shoulds”

We often imprison ourselves in a world of “shoulds”:

  • I should be more productive.

  • I should work out to lose the gelato weight.

  • I should be planning my next big project.

But what if we let go of the “shoulds” and chose to honor where we are right now?

Cultivating Harmony with the Present Moment

Here’s the mindset I’m working to embrace:

  • Honor your present moment without guilt or judgment.

  • Don’t shame yourself for moving at a slower pace.

  • Recognize that rest is part of the process.

As CEOs of our businesses and lives, we have the power to create spaciousness and prioritize self-care.

An Invitation to Reflect

  • What would happen if you gave yourself permission to rest without guilt?

  • How can you embrace the present moment and break free from the cycle of “shoulds”?

A Gentle Reminder for You

No matter how productive you feel today, remember:

  • ❤️ Rest is part of the process.

  • ❤️ Your pace is your own.

  • ❤️ You have the freedom to choose how you spend your time.

I’ll be slowly unpacking my suitcase and savoring these slower moments. Join me on our next member call, where I’ll share more about the wedding and upcoming in-person meet-ups!

With love,

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