Episode 120: 3 Reasons Why Appearing on Podcasts NEEDS to Be On Your Marketing Plan


In this episode, I dive deep into the world of podcast guesting and how it can be a game-changer for your business growth. As a firm believer in organic visibility strategies, I discuss why traditional quick-fix schemes don't work and why podcasting stands out as a credible and authoritative approach. 

Join me as I outline the three critical reasons why you should make guest podcasting a priority in your PR and marketing efforts.

Key Points:

  • Boosting SEO and Earning Backlinks: I'll explain how appearing as a podcast guest can significantly improve your SEO and provide valuable backlinks to your website, driving long-term traffic and audience growth.

  • Building Trust and Expanding Your Network: I'll share insights on how guest podcasting can help you tap into established audiences, build trust quickly, and expand your network in meaningful ways.

  • Creating and Repurposing Content: Discover how a single podcast appearance can provide you with a wealth of content to repurpose across your social media channels, streamlining your content strategy.

I also share my personal journey and effective pitching strategies, emphasizing the importance of exploring diverse topics relevant to your business. For more in-depth strategies and to learn about my proprietary pitching method, visit my website at www.gloriachoupr.com and check out my PR Secrets Masterclass.

Tune in to gain actionable insights and connect with me on social media @GloriaChouPR. Whether you're thinking of starting your own podcast or planning to guest on others', this episode is packed with valuable advice to help you leverage podcasting for your small business's PR and growth.

Also if you ever wonder how to get into a podcast even if you've never pitched or been interviewed before, here’s a video episode I created for that:


If you want to get free organic press features, get on to top podcasts, and build relationships with editors at your dream outlets, join me and hundreds of small business owners in the PR Starter Pack at www.prstarterpack.com.

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Join the #1 FB group for small business PR: www.getfeaturednow.com

Watch the #1 PR Masterclass to land a media feature in 30 days: www.gloriachoupr.com/masterclass

Resources Mentioned:

Watch the PR Secrets Masterclass

Get the PR Starter Pack

Join the Small Biz PR Pros Facebook Group

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[00:00:00] Hi, small business heroes. It's me again, Gloria Chow, award winning small business PR expert, and your unofficial hype woman. So today is all about podcast guesting. And if you love podcasts as much as I do, you know, the power of podcasting and because this podcast is all about giving you organic visibility strategies to get sustainable growth for your business.

I'm not talking about data play scams, right? One of those like appear in Forbes or appear in like. Most innovative entrepreneur that get no reach. I'm talking about what is the most powerful, lasting, organic, visible reach that gives you credibility and authority. Podcasting is one of them. So I'm going to share with you three reasons why guest podcasting needs to be a top priority for your PR and marketing efforts this year.

Okay. So I can give you. All of the stats about podcasts, how they're growing, how Spotify and Apple and all of them are investing in growing the reach of podcasting about how people are listening to podcasts more, more, more every single year. But this is [00:01:00] more about the other reasons why you should get on podcasts.

I don't need to convince you that podcasting is something that people love, that people have trust when they're listening to someone's podcast for 30 minutes, your likelihood of selling to them if you are in their year for 30 minutes is so much higher than any Instagram post, any TikTok reel, or any YouTube video, right?

We already know that. But here are the three reasons why you really need to think about guest podcasting and pitching to get onto people's podcasts over and over and over and making it a system in your business this year. Now, if you want to hear all about my proprietary pitching method on how to get yourself onto, whether it's your first podcast or fifth podcast, go to episode number four of this podcast.

And you can do that after the episode, I'll link it in the show notes, but it's gloriachowpr. com slash four because it's episode number four. Gloria choupr. com slash four. It's all about how to pitch and get into podcasts, even though you've never been on a podcast, or maybe you have no PR experience. All the podcasting that I've done is through cold pitching.

So it absolutely [00:02:00] works, my friend. Okay. Back to the three reasons why you really need to make guest podcasting the number one priority in your business visibility plan this year. Number one is unlike social media podcasts, give you SEO. And back links to your website, because when you appear on someone's podcast, it shows not only on all the podcast players, but there will be likely associated blogs and show notes that when you Google will probably rank on the top page.

Now, when I Google myself, right, Gloria Chow, it's mostly my podcasts that show up. It's not me spending time on TikTok or Instagram or LinkedIn or Twitter, even though I've devoted so much time to it, it's not going to be my primary strategy. Why? Because you don't own your social media. I can't tell you how many times I've had people in my PR program tell me, Oh my God, my Instagram got hacked and all the years that I spent building that audience, now it's over or on Facebook.

So what I'm trying to get you to see my friend is there's no better way than to get onto other people's podcasts for that [00:03:00] sustainable long term traffic and audience growth. So that's SEO. That's backlinks to your website, because if you do appear on a podcast, the host. It's going to link you and your about section in a blurb about you and even whatever freebies or opt in that you want to promote onto the show notes.

And then it's as easy as you Googling it. So that is the number one reason of three why getting onto other people's podcast should be your number one priority this year. And just to be clear, this is about getting onto other people's podcasts. This is not about you starting a podcast. A lot of times I know there's some.

Confusion. And I get asked this all the time in my PR program, because we have a Facebook group and we have coaching and they say, Oh, I really want to start a podcast. I think that is a really great Avenue. And I say, you know, it's, it's fine to start a podcast, but what's even better is spending your time, getting onto other people's podcasts, people who already have an audience they have built and trusted and cultivated that audience of eager listeners, that to me is a way better way to use your time than starting your own [00:04:00] podcast.

So I encourage anyone who's thinking about maybe one day starting their own podcast is to get on at least a few of other people's podcasts. It gives you traction, it gives you SEO, it expands your network, and you get comfortable learning about different show formats. So again, if you were to ask me, I've probably gone on to at least 60 different podcasts before I started my own podcast.

And through that exercise, I was able to get the SEO, the backlinks, the traffic, the authority. Build my network and learn how to conversate in a way that's so easy for me to start my own podcast. So remember the hallmark of a good CEO is not how many hours you spend working, but what are the highest leverage activities you can do for every one hour of work?

And so for me, I'd rather spend one hour getting onto another person's podcast and using my PR program to pitch. And again, I have a database of all the different podcasters on there. It's as easy as plug and play and pressing. Send and getting on people's podcasts. I'd rather do that all day than spend hours on social media for a couple dozen views that [00:05:00] may or may not even circulate tomorrow.

So I'm not saying that there's no place for social media. I'm just saying that out of all the activities that you can do to get the best ROI for your time, guest podcasting is number one on there, my friend. Okay. So we talked about SEO backlinks as a number one reason why guest podcasting should be number one on your PR and marketing plan.

The second reason is that there is no better way to build new audiences. Now what I mean is look, there's audiences everywhere. There's audiences on social media, there's audiences on YouTube, but research has shown that when you are Leveraging someone else's audience. When you are invited as a guest on someone's podcast, someone that has meticulously built trust with their audience, there is no direct and better way for them to end up following you and knowing about you.

I can't tell you how many times people have joined our PR program for small businesses, and I always ask them, how did you find me? I would say more than five times out of 10, it's that they heard me on a podcast. Now it might be a mixed journey, meaning that they might have seen me on [00:06:00] social media. But they always validate their purchasing decision to join my program after they've heard me on a podcast.

So yes, maybe they discover me on social media, but that is not going to convert them. Because what better value than getting into someone's ear for 30 minutes so that they understand my energy and my tone in a way that Instagram just can't, right? That is so flooded. So that is number two reason why.

Guest podcasting should be number one on your PR and marketing plan is that it is the direct way to build trust with an audience that is already eager to engage with you because by pitching, you've already kind of been vetted by the host. And so that layer of work that you're doing is going to go so far because the host is saying, here's my loyal audience and I'm trusting you to be on my platform and talk directly to them.

So that's really what I mean by that. Trust that audience. I'd rather convert. Five or six new, really loyal followers who are interested about me and my work and what I'm trying to do to make the small business landscape more equitable than have a hundred views on [00:07:00] Instagram from people who might not even be my ideal customer avatar, right?

There might be people who are on there looking for cooking videos and all of a sudden they see my video. Sure. It might scroll past it, but they're not in a position to want to be closer to joining my program or really getting into my world. So that's really what I mean by podcasting. Another thing along with this growing your audience and getting that loyal following is that it also expands your network.

So obviously expands your network in terms of traffic and SEO, but it also expands your network, not only with the podcast host, but all of a sudden. This whole blue ocean opens up where you are able to pitch to that podcast host network, because you've already been vetted. So I always say, all you need is that one.

Yes. Whether it's that one earned PR feature or that one podcast, and then it becomes a snowball effect because what you can do is take that one podcast and I don't care how low ranking it is or how tiny the audience is. You can go and pitch for the other one and say, Hey, I've been on this person's podcast to talk about X, Y, and Z and boom, automatically you've been vetted.

You show the person [00:08:00] that you're pitching to that you have eloquency when speaking, that you have already been vetted and that you are someone who has value that podcast hosts want to share with their audience. So it expands your reach and expands your network in every way possible, and it really elevates your ability to reach higher and higher for the people who you thought might not be in your reach, right?

It's all possible if you start building that. So. That's number two. And the third reason, probably the most actionable tactical, or should I say the most tangible reason why getting onto other people's podcasts should be number one on your priority list for your marketing and PR is that just getting onto one person's podcast, I don't care if it's 10 minutes or 10 hours, you will have dozens of shareable.

content. So follow along with me. If you're multitasking, come back. If you get onto one person's podcast, and now most people are recording on video on zoom, you will have audio show notes. You will have blogs. You will have long form or short form video content that you can turn into tick tock reels, IgE lives, [00:09:00] IgE broadcasts, YouTube long form.

YouTube short form. You also have quotes that you can turn into carousel posts. You have audio bites. There are so many different ways to repurpose whether it's five, 10 or 30 minutes of conversation. That's both video and graphics and audio that I would rather do that all day than come up with original social media content.

Let me say that again. I would always rather. Have reusable content from getting on a podcast and then reposting that onto my social media, then coming up with social media from scratch. And that's why if you look on my Instagram at Gloria Chow PR, most of the reels are taken from my podcast. So whether it's my podcast that I'm recording right now, which we record on video and we will put it onto YouTube and LinkedIn and Twitter and Tik TOK and audio and podcast players, but also snippets of me on other people's podcasts.

So here's kind of a quick tip is if you actually do want to start your podcast one day. Again, it's not the first thing I would do. I would definitely get onto other people's podcasts first, but if you do want to start a podcast and you're looking for content, you can easily go back to the people who have [00:10:00] interviewed you on their podcast and it's as easy as saying, Hey, I loved our conversation so much and I want to give it a bigger lifespan, a longer lifespan by repurposing that and rearing it on my show.

And I've never, to this day, I've never had a single podcast host who's interviewed me to say, Nope. In fact, they also are so happy because it means that you love your conversation so much that you're willing to share it on your platform. So to me, I can come up with 50 different reasons why getting onto other people's podcast is so much better than your marketing or social media strategy.

But here are just the top three. So to recap, it's SEO. It's. backlinks, it's expanding your network and making you more and more sought after by showing that you've been vetted to people's audiences, making it much easier for you to reach that next person. And that next person. And the third reason is that it comes up with already dozens of social media content that you can use without actually having to create original social media content.

So again, think about what you're doing with one hour of your work. Is it better to spend one hour to create [00:11:00] one social media post or one hour to record a podcast on someone's podcast where you can get SEO backlinks, authority, credibility, engagement, new audiences, and as well as dozens of content that you can recycle.

And here's the thing, once you are on someone's podcast, Nine times out of 10, they're going to want you to share it and they will give you all of the files. They're going to give you the transcripts, the blog, the show notes, the graphics, the audio, the video that you can use a very simple AI tool, whether it's vid.

ai or anything like that to create additional pieces of social media content. It's kind of the gift that keeps on giving. And that's why I really urge you, my friend, this year, make it this year, the time that you start pitching to get onto other people's. podcast. You can start small. You can start niche.

Think about all the different topics that you can talk about. Don't pigeonhole yourself. So for example, if you have an e commerce product, let's say you make a wellness water bottle. You might think, well, I don't think there's a podcast about water bottles. No, my friend, think about wellness. Think about lifestyle, think about travel, think about gift guides, think about the same ability, all the different [00:12:00] things and the utility and the themes that go into your business.

Because I promise you your business is never just about the product or service that you're selling. So I'll give you an example for myself. I am a small biz PR coach. My whole mission is to elevate diverse founders growing up. I never saw anyone looking like me in the media. And so I vow to change that by helping diverse.

Small businesses feel confident to pitch themselves. So you might think I only pitch myself for PR and marketing podcasts. Well, that's absolutely false. I've been on money mindset podcast, talking about my scarcity and generational trauma. I've been on leadership and team building podcast, talking about how to delegate PR and how to actually grow a team.

I've been on time management podcast, talking about how to reduce overwhelm when you have so much on your plate. I've been on podcasts featuring diverse founders and people. AAPI heritage because I'm a first generation Asian American immigrant. So think of outside the box about all the different buckets of topics that you can talk about.

And again, I have all the resources for you in my PR starter pack, where we do unlimited coaching inside of our Facebook group and monthly coaching with me and journalists to [00:13:00] coach you through your pitch and being able to be in a container of other businesses and other founders who are pitching themselves for different angles.

You start to get so many ideas. You will never run out of ideas. So you can join my program at PR starter pack. com. You can follow this podcast. You can go to Gloria Child PR. com slash four of my exact step by step strategy on how to land media and podcasts specifically, because that is a big part of our PR program.

I show you exactly how to do it with my three step pitching framework that I came up with by literally cold calling because my friend, I never had any PR experience and if I can do it, so can you. So thank you so much again for listening to this episode. I cannot wait to see you back here. If you love this, please, please, please give us five stars and a review.

Tell me what you thought. And don't forget to connect with me on all the social medias at Gloria Chow PR. And as always, thank you for listening. Hey, small business hero. Did you know that you can get featured for free on outlets like Forbes, the New York times. Marie Claire, pop sugar, and so many more, even if you're not yet [00:14:00] launched or if you don't have any connection.

That's right. That's why I invite you to watch my PR secrets masterclass where I reveal the exact methods thousands of bootstrapping small businesses use to hack their own PR and go from unknown to being a credible and sought after industry expert. Now if you want to land your first press feature, get on a podcast.

Secure a VIP speaking gig or just reach out to that very intimidating editor. This class will show you exactly how to do it. Register now at Gloria Chow, pr. com slash masterclass. That's Gloria Chow, C H O U p r. com slash masterclass. So you can get featured in 30 days without spending a penny on ads or agencies.

Best of all, this is completely free. So get in there and let's get you featured.

gloria chou