Episode 125: 3 Phrases I Repeat Daily To Get My Business More PR And Visibility
In this episode we dive deep into actionable steps and mindset shifts that can revolutionize your business journey.
Here are the three most valuable phrases that have been absolute game-changers for me on my entrepreneurial journey.
1. "Everything You Want is on the Other Side of the Send Button"
This phrase has become my mantra whenever I feel hesitant about reaching out or taking action. It's all about understanding the power of persistence and consistency in pitching and networking. I've learned from inspiring individuals like Vincent, who have achieved remarkable success simply by pressing that "send" button and seizing opportunities. Remember, every pitch sent is a step closer to realizing your dreams.
2. "You Will Not Unlock the Next Level of Business Without Solving Current Problems"
This one hits close to home for me. It's a reminder that growth requires facing and overcoming challenges head-on. Whether it's dealing with difficult clients or refining internal processes, each obstacle presents an opportunity for growth. Embracing the journey and learning from setbacks are essential steps toward reaching new heights in business.
3. "No Time is Ever Wasted"
As entrepreneurs, we often feel the pressure to constantly hustle and maximize every minute. But I've come to realize the importance of balance and self-care. Taking time for myself—whether it's a solo trip for reflection or simply disconnecting from work—has been instrumental in maintaining my well-being and productivity. Every experience, even the setbacks and mistakes, contributes to my growth as a business owner.
So there you have it. I encourage you to embrace these mantras on your own entrepreneurial journey and share them with fellow small business owners who could use a boost of motivation.
If you're eager to learn more about mastering PR and elevating your brand presence, don't forget to check out our PR Secrets Masterclass. It's packed with actionable strategies to help you land press features, secure speaking engagements, and grow your business—all without breaking the bank.
Head over to gloriachoupr.com/masterclass and let's take your PR game to the next level together!
Remember, you've got this!
If you want to get free organic press features, get on to top podcasts, and build relationships with editors at your dream outlets, join me and hundreds of small business owners in the PR Starter Pack at www.prstarterpack.com.
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Watch the #1 PR Masterclass to land a media feature in 30 days: www.gloriachoupr.com/masterclass
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[00:00:00] What's up, small business owners, welcome to another episode of small business PR, where we make PR and marketing accessible for the everyday small business hero. So as you know, I'm all about actionable steps and I really believe that mindset is the one thing that can create enormous change in our business.
It's the one thing that lets us either take action, get stuck or remain getting stuck. And so today I wanted to share with you. The three most powerful phrases I repeat to myself on the daily to get myself business growth and visibility so that I can keep taking action towards my goals. It's my hope that this will also inspire you and motivate you to go get after it.
Even in spite of being afraid or scared or any of the beliefs that you have that are keeping you from making the impact that you are here to make. So the first phrase that I repeat all the time that helps me get out of bed in the morning, that helps me do that intimidating thing is quite simply this.
Everything that you want is on the other side of the send button. I need to give credit for my friend, Vincent, who joined our PR program. And he is someone who has exited his company. He has gotten tons of press, Inc, Forbes, entrepreneur. He got a 40 under 40, all of the things. And when I interviewed him about what kept him going, despite him starting a new company, despite him being a new dad and juggling all the things.
On his to do list was that he said, everything that you ever want in life, when it comes to creating opportunities for your business is on the other side of the send button. And the more times you press that send button, the luckier you get, the more opportunities you get. So what does that mean? It means that there is always something on the other side of the send button, but you have to actually keep pressing that send button.
And just because you press that send button and you don't hear anything back. It doesn't mean that it's a failure. It means that you're putting yourself out there. And as you know, it's really a numbers game. And with every action, there's always an equal reaction coming back. So you either learn something from it, or you're planting the seeds for that person to one day get back to you.
I can't tell you how many times our PR members have sent out a pitch using our frameworks, and maybe they don't hear back for a couple of weeks, a couple of months, and boom. Next thing you know, that editor from Elle responded and they got on the front page of their story. This actually just happened to someone who is a skincare founder.
And she told me that she got on a list of the 10 best beauty oils of the year on Elle. I'm talking full page spread because of a pitch that she sent last year. Now, imagine if she didn't plant those seeds because you never know which one's going to water, right? She would have never gotten that Elle feature, which by the way is organic, completely free.
And she did not know that journalist. Has allowed her for her business to be seen not only in the most prestigious beauty industry, you know, newspaper and magazine. Now she can put that on all of her websites. Now people can find her on Elle. There's SEO, there's traffic, there's credibility, and she got direct sales from that article.
Imagine if she never press sent. Another thing to notice is that the more times we press send, the more that muscle, that muscle that we're all cultivating of putting ourselves out there and going after opportunities, it gets strengthened. So nobody has a crystal ball, right? We never know when something is going to be a yes or no.
Now, obviously we make up stories in our heads, but we don't really know what opportunities are possible, but it's on us to go after it. So I always say, why not put your name in the hat? Why have it not be you? Because here's the thing when it comes to PR and visibility is that journalists have a very meticulous way of sorting through their emails.
And I actually have a lot of journalists coming on to our PR program to share with us and our members what their inbox looks like. And they always say something like this, we get so many emails, obviously we can't reply to all of them, but we always took it away in different folders because we never know when the day will come when we are assigned that story.
So whether it's a beauty story or a fitness story or a wellness story or a founder story, it's as simple as us going back to our emails and typing a quick keyword and pulling up all the pitches that we got. So let this be a reminder from the universe for you to put your name in the hat and why have it not be you, right?
You deserve to be seen more than anyone. We all deserve to show our story, to make an impact so that other people can connect with us. And it doesn't matter what stage of business we're in. It doesn't matter how long we've been in business or how much money or profit or revenue, or how many VC dollars we've raised.
Journalists want to talk to real people. And that's actually one of the things that keeps journalism credible and integrous is that they're interviewing people from all walks of life. So journalists are looking for fresh perspectives from everyday small business heroes like you. If they only interviewed the fortune 500 companies, guess what?
They would lose their credibility really fast. Wouldn't they? So you're doing them a favor. Keep pressing that send button. You never know when you're going to get a reply. That's my number one phrase. I repeat all the time is everything you want is on the other side of that send button. So keep pressing that send button.
The second phrase I repeat to myself every day that really helps me grow my business and grow all of the opportunities for me is this, you will not unlock the next level of business. If you cannot solve the problems at your current level. So what does that mean? It means that if you cannot deal with haters or if you cannot deal with annoying clients or that person from high school judging you, then you're not going to unlock a bigger level of business because you are still afraid to be seen.
The universe will not give you a higher level of business if you cannot solve the problem at your current level. So I'll give you an example right now. I am dealing with a lot of things with team and you hear me say this a lot. It's been a very humbling journey for me. I was never, you know, playing team sports, being on a team is something that's kind of unfamiliar for me.
And little did I know growing a business, it's all about your ability to be a leader, to motivate people, to hold them accountable, and that's even more important and way more harder than. Selling because I can sell all day, right? I know my program works, but it's really about building a team who really believes in your mission.
So on the teamwork front, I am still solving so many problems at this level of business with the current size of team that I have. And until I can really get that process dialed down, the universe. And the business will not unlock a higher level for me because why I'm not able to solve the problems at this level.
And I really believe that until I can solve all of the problems at this level of business that we're in, I will not be able to have a bigger business that requires more energy, more leadership, more training, more accountability, more KPIs. So do you see where I'm getting with that is that you have to solve the problems at your current level.
And here's the thing about life and business is that it's a never ending array of problems. The problems never stop coming. It's just that we get better at solving them. So see it as a journey. See it as it's something that's never wasted because everything that we're learning right now at this stage of business will.
Be used to unlock the next step of our business. But right now we have to solve what's in front of us, whether that's team, whether that's revenue, whether that's optimizing your offer, whether that's getting over imposter syndrome and pressing send, whether it's really going after the PR opportunities that make you a little scared in your stomach, but you know, it's really going to put your brand on the map.
You have to be able to solve those problems right now to be able to unlock the next level. So next time you are afraid of going after that PR opportunity or really putting your brand on the map, just remember this. What you're doing now is exactly what's required of you to get to the next step. This is a requirement.
It's a part of the journey, so go after it. Don't be afraid of it. It's just something that is meant for you. It's all happening for you. I promise. So that's the second phrase I repeat to myself on the daily to grow my business and profitability. Another thing that I repeat to myself all the time is that no time is ever wasted.
Now in this day of everyone's so busy and time is money, we're always thinking about, Oh my God, like this is wasting my time or this is not worth our time. But here's the thing. I really don't believe that any time is wasted. Why? Because whether it's you relaxing or taking care of family or taking time off from the business or making mistakes, all of those experiences compound.
Because you're going to learn to be smarter. You're going to learn to be more resourceful. You're going to learn what works for you, what decisions, the groups of people you want to be with, what opportunities really give you ROI and not, and that only comes with you having experience. So I really believe that there is no such thing as time wasted.
There's no such thing as a mistake. Definitely no such thing as a failure because failure is an incredible teacher. We've all heard this before. The quote that says success is a pretty crappy teacher. So we learn from our failures. We learn from having business ideas that fail. We learn from dealing with clients that are not a great fit for us.
And that is what catapults us to having a business that is more truly aligned. But we have to go through that journey first. So truly, truly believe that there's no such thing as time wasted and that it's. All compounding for you and that it's going to manifest itself in so many ways and the way that you navigate situations and the way that you reflect on your business and the opportunities, all of those experiences compounds that you can make better decisions for the next step of your business, right?
I always take a solo trip every year. I call it my like CEO thinking time. And I actually learned this from Bill Gates because I saw an interview where he takes a solo trip every year just to reflect with no computer, no, nothing, just books, whether it's in a cabin or on the beach somewhere. And it's hard, it's hard for us to unplug from all the things.
What if I, my team needs me or what if the sale doesn't happen, but trust me, you need to build in that time, that time, that buffer, that spaciousness where you're not doing tangible work, that you're giving output all the time. Because think about it. What thing on earth can just keep producing and producing and producing without being burnt out, right?
You have a diminishing rate of returns when you're constantly grinding and you're not taking space to do the other things. Whether it's self care and I'm a big proponent of self care after I had a fibroid surgery to remove a 13 inch tumor from my uterus. And I did not take time for self care and I got completely burned out.
That was such a valuable lesson in teaching me that I am no good to anyone, to my business, to my husband, to my family, to my team. If I do not build in time where I'm simply putting my mind. At rest, where I am maybe watching Netflix or going on a hike. And I don't mean going on a hike, listening to a business podcast.
I mean, going on a hike and not consuming any content and just looking up at the trees and smelling the flowers and just being present. It has really changed the way that I view work. It has really helped me cultivate a sense of presence, which helped me heal my relationship with my mom, which is something I talk about in other episodes and the trauma that I had in childhood, it has fundamentally changed the way I view time and experience.
Because I think growing up as a child of immigrants, we always had this very transactional way of being where everything you did had to make sense in terms of money earned or money saved. And so living in such a transactional way, I always felt guilty of taking time off of spending money on myself, investing in my business.
And that has really slowed me down so much. I think about all the ways that I could have grown so much more if I just was able to invest more in my business and hire the right people and learn from the experts. But because I had it so ingrained in me that every single thing I do had to be productive and had to make mathematical sense in terms of dollars and cents, it really limited my growth.
And so now I am measuring my productivity and output differently and measuring success differently and defining it on my own terms where I feel aligned and taking time to work out and to have my meditation practices and saying no to opportunities so that I can let better ones in. So I. I really urge you if you are also on this rat race of busyness, which we are all in, to think and reflect and realize that all types of time and all types of experiences, those late nights, those ugly cries, those failures, those rejections, those moments of joy and rapture of doing nothing.
And just looking across the table at your spouse and realizing like this. This is what life is all about. That is what we're here for. So I urge you to remember that there is no time that's wasted and that failure and mistakes are our best teacher. And I hope that this short episode has reminded you of all the different ways that you can grow your business while staying true to yourself and present.
If you know anyone, a small business owner, perhaps. That could benefit from this episode or this podcast, please share it with them. This is the only way that they can find out about it. And we are on a mission to empower more small businesses, to create businesses and lives that are aligned with them and for them to learn how to truly advocate for themselves so that they can be the most confident version of themselves.
Thank you so much for listening and I'll. Hey, small business hero. Did you know that you can get featured for free on outlets like Forbes, the New York times, Marie Claire, pop sugar, and so many more, even if you're not yet launched or if you don't have any connections, that's right. That's why I invite you to watch my PR secrets masterclass, where I reveal the exact methods, thousands of bootstrapping small businesses use to hack their own PR and go from unknown to being a credible and sought after industry expert.
Now if you wanna land your first press feature, get on a podcast, secure a VIP speaking gig, or just reach out to that very intimidating editor. This class will show you exactly how to do it. Register now@gloriachoupr.com/masterclass. That's gloriachoupr.com/masterclass so you can get featured in 30 days without spending a penny on ads or agencies.
Best of all, this is completely free, so get in there and let's get you featured.