How To Hack HARO & Get Onto 5+ Outlets For Free with Khrys Vaughan
Khrys Vaughan is a published author, multiple strategist, and founder of InHer company, a women's empowerment brand. She has used the HARO platform as well as my CPR Pitching Method ™ in the PR Starter Pack to get on to multiple platforms and a TV INTERVIEW! She has been featured on CEO Blog Nation, Authority Magazine, Thrive Global, and Ticker News Australia with more opportunities coming her way all through HARO.
What is HARO?
HARO is a media platform that connects journalists seeking expertise to include in their content with sources who have that expertise. It is a networking tool that provides users with the information to get in contact with journalists and editors for a feature.
What HARO Can Do:
Great resource → see what's trending and get insights on current events that you might not have been aware of.
Read stories that you might be able to use for research for your own business.
Introduce you to solutions that you may need.
Allow you to create networking connections that you can pass onto someone else if they need it. Share the wealth!
Provide access to areas in every field.
After working with female entrepreneurs for over 20 years, Khrys has picked up some things that she now speaks up about to empower her clients and people around her to be more confident. “I’ve found that even though they show it powerfully, many of these multi passionate, mission driven women-preneurs still feel as if they are living beneath their capability or purpose.” She works with these women to help them answer what is next for them, create a plan to get it, and to harness their unique power so that we can unlock the solutions within them that our world so desperately needs.
“Something that holds us back is that we don't value our own viewpoints and our own unique perspectives,” Khrys said in the “Small Biz Pros” Facebook Group Live that took place on April 30th. --Click HERE to watch the replay!
Before she experienced the PR Starter Pack, Khrys admitted that she would not apply to a query from HARO unless she matched every single detail that they had. But, after the starter pack, she began looking at the queries in terms of relevance, which became a total gamechanger. Khrys began to practice what she was preaching and encouraged her clients to be confident in their ability to generate results in their businesses, and be clear on their messages.
“It’s one thing to get PR, but it’s another thing to benefit from it”
Khrys gave a personal & insightful list of tips that can be used to hack HARO and get featured by multiple journalists.
Tips to Maximize Time & Success on HARO:
Keyword search the email
Google search journalist’s name and niche to verify
DA (domain authority) high tier, mid tier, low tier
Respond within 10-15 minutes of receiving the email
Check that you actually meet requirements
Have a very short pitch because it’s a response to a very specific question (CPR method-but shortened)
As entrepreneurs, it is so important to learn to just go for it because opportunities are everywhere. Get to the point where you are so confident in what you are doing, it doesn’t even matter what you sell--people buy for your vision and your value! You have all of the abilities to control your own success and growth within yourself.
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Check out my YouTube video where I explain how to use HARO to find journalists and get featured!
If you only have a few minutes this should help:
What it Looks Like - minute 1:07
Email Efficiency With a Perfect Pitch- minute 7:15 (*why you MUST install an email tracking device)
What Journalists Will and Won’t Look For - minute 11:03
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→ Join us every Friday at 12pm EST in the “Small Biz PR Pros” Facebook group to learn from founders who got featured, receive live expert training so you can be more seen, heard, and valued.
Just keep pitching and following up. You can do this!